Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Short and sweet, here it goes.
16.5" Circle Y? Cutting Saddle
Seems big, I know, but I fit in it really well!! Charles called us yesterday about it and he brought it to drill practice. I rode in it the whole time I was on Sassy (sooo about 70% of the practice) and it felt AMAZING!! And, Sassy was acting rrrrrrrrreally good!!! Except when I switched her and Rosie out since she was getting tired..She was tied up behind the arena and infront of where I tied her is a raised platform for people to sit on with chairs and what not..Well, Sassy was getting bored so she took the liberty of biting everyones chairs and pulling on them, nearly biting someones but, and dragging the cattle prod down to the ground. Silly 4 year olds...I'll try to post a picture of my saddle soon:)

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