Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ferrier came out today HURRAY!!!

My horses have been in need of feet work. It's literally been 6 months since their feet have been trimmed, but they never needed it!!! The horses feet looked really good all winter and it wasn't until March that they started to go a little downhill.
It took our ferrier about an hour and a half to do all five of the horses. They were all really good (except Sassy lol). Matt had to take breaks inbetween horses because he did something to his back. He laughed at Rebel's feet and was like "there is no way I can get those two to match!!!". Rebel puts more weight on his front left, so the heel on his left is waaaay lower than his right, its also wider and has a steeper angle to it.
After that we took Rosie and Sassy for a short ride around the pasture. Sassy was really spunky and my mom had a hoot controlling her, and Rosie was rrrreally lazy. Matt is trying to get me into break away roping, we'll see how that goes!! Haha:)
I registered for the Oklahoma Foundation Quarter Horse show in April. I showed all year with them in 2009, then took a break. This year is going to be a lot tougher, I'm entering in 2 more different classes. Working cow horse, and cutting:) I'm not sure how Rosie will do in the cutting, but its still points towards Versitility!!! I'm going to try my hardest to win the saddle, even if it pisses my best friend off. Hey, that's the name of the game!
I worked Dusty today, and he is really cowy!! Jasmine (my Australian Shepard) was running around the roundpen while I was lunging him, and he would dart toward her and follow her every move!!! He's going to be a great horse with great looks!:)
Me and Rosie, running poles in 2009:)

1 comment:

  1. Great action picture. Good luck with the show. Sounds like you have quite a challenge ahead!
