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Sunday, March 20, 2011

You never realize the danger you are in

So for my 17th birthday, me, my best friend and my boyfriend all went trail riding. We had been riding for around 3 hours, when we came across the marina. Only Peyton knew where we were, he had been on the trails before. We looked down in the parking lot, a lone black and white tobiano was standing tied to a trailer. A man stood at the trailer, didn't wave or anything, talking on his phone. We didn't think anything was wrong, we moved right on a long. About 5 minutes a long, we were starting to get back into the woods, yet still in sight of the marina. Suddenly, up on the hill was a man on a sorrel Peruvian Paso. We figured he was part of a guided group, and as we got closer, he ran farther into the woods. We laughed, kept on going. We got farther into the woods, there he was again, then ran off. Then, when we were under very thick cover, he appeared once more. This time, he started talking to my friend.
"Is that a rented horse?"
"No, he's mine."
"How long have you been riding?"
"a few hours"
"have you ever riden a gaited horse"
"no I haven't"
Then he got of his horse. Sassy knew somethign wasn't right, she started getting all jittery. Peyton's horse, Repo, wouldn't stand still either. I looked at Peyton, he knew something was up and he was about to pounce at any second. He is protective over me and Kasey, were his girlfriends (lol). He started talking about his horse, how it was worth 13,000 dollars, how our quarter horses couldn't keep up with it.
"would you like to ride him?"
"no, no thank you."
Then, he started giving my friend a riding lesson. HA. Like Kasey needs a riding lesson. The girl is going to the International Finals Youth Rodeo, I don't think she is going to listen to you.
"here, I'll hold you horse and you can test him out"
"no i'm fine thank you"
"you should ride him!"
"no thank you"
"just real quick"
"come on, get on him!"
"no please"
"well, if you see me later today, or anytime at all, the offer is still there"
"okay thanks"
Then he stormed off on his horse into the woods. Needless to say, we couldn't stop talking about it. We got back onto the main road trail thing, and were riding for about 45 minutes. I turned around, and I saw him. About a quarter mile away. Moving at a fairly good clip, with 5 other, male riders behind him. Before I knew it, we were in a dead run. We lost him..we took every short cut we could, going as close to the lake as possible without sinking into mud. We were lost at that point, but had a pretty good sense on how to get back to the trailer. It took us 4 hours to get to this point, so lets hope we find another short cut. Going by the highway, we found some deer trails, and popped onto them, looking for something familiar. Suddenly, when all hope was lost, I saw tires that we had seen earlier that morning. 45 minutes later, we were safe and back at the trailer.

Why did that man wait until we were deep in the woods?
I'm glad Kasey did not get off her horse. That was something bad just waiting to happen. I know Peyton would have jumped the guy that very second. I don't want to think about what he could have done to Kasey, to any of us. 3 against 1 doesn't seem so bad, but a full grown man against two weak girls and a teenage boy seems about even. When he was talking about how his horse could out do our horses, its like he was trying to make us feel trapped. Like our horses would break down, and there he would be.

And that is why, from now on, I'm trail riding with pepper spray, maybe a tazer....hmm...yeah.

1 comment:

  1. That's seriously creepy. It's like running across a band of bandits.
