Monday, March 21, 2011

FINALLY!!! Here's my new saddle!!!

Okay, I know, its been like, a month. Sometimes my phone/computer is a jerk, and says "Noooo Pepper we don't think we shall upload your pictures today. Try again later."

YEAH. Anyways. The saddle is no Circle Y if you ask me. Its stuck somewhere between a Circle Y and a Billy Cook. Can't seem to make up its mind. squeeks a lot, but I sit just perfectly in it. It could probably use a good cleaning, I'll work on that when I find my saddle soap and Neatsfoot oil. I mainly just use it on Sassy, I'm so used to my barrel saddle on Rosie from the past 3 years, it's impossible to switch over. I can ride on it with Dream, but my legs feel not long enough when its on her (maybe its just me, who knows). I'll also attatch photos of my new barrel racing tack!:)
Sassy, at her fist ride at an indoor arena! She was a little scared of the fence but she was okay! Also, first ride in that saddle!:)

Rosie sporting my new Circle Cook (lol). Its a 16.5" cutting saddle. Why is somebody as tiny as me riding in that big of a saddle (5'3", 125lbs)? Who knows, but it fits great!

Well the quality isn't that great for the picture:/ But this tack set SHINES!!! Its beautiful!!

I have discovered something that I love, and have forgotten about. Equine photography. For the longest time, I wanted to make a living, just professionaly taking pictures of peoples horses..of course, right now I am not that good, but who knows!


  1. Yeah, that doesn't look like any Circle Y's I've known, but I like Billy Cook saddles too.

  2. Love the glitz! My finest saddle was handmade for my body and on a mule tree.
    My other favorite saddles have been Simco, the old ones!

    Looking good!
