Thursday, June 2, 2011

Please, just get me out of here.

I feel like every move I take, is going to be seen wrong somehow.

If I slip up once, I'm automatically a failure.

I want out of this house. I can't stand the stress levels. This house has so many issues, so many effing problems...there's the problems with the house its self, and then there is the problems with the people inside it.
So my scum-bag aunt Christy told my dad that 6 months after my grandpa's (my dad's father) death, he could get the things that were his back, BY BIDDING ON THEM AT AUCTION. That's messed up. I don't care who you are. All the things I want to say to this woman......I have never wished death, or pain, upon anyone....but to me, she isn't anyone. She is nothing.

I left my facebook up, and on a status of mine telling about the Freedom Riders playday, my dad wrote (while on his acount) "I will be there if I am not on the auction!" and then on my account he wrote "well I sure hope that doesn't happen".
However, when I got home from Peyton's and checked my facebook and saw it, I thought he was talking about a car auction or something. I made a new status saying " So if you got something dad has been on my facebook for a while......" I was just playing, as this isn't the first time this as happened..apparently I screwed up.
My dad isn't talking to my mom.
They were going to go to Chicago for their anniversary, now that's not happening.
My dad is threatening to take away me and my brothers texting, turning off the cable and the internet.
He is demanding to see our report cards, but there isn't anything we can do about that until they mail them to us.
He want's me back at 9 now. It's stupid, because he'd let me out until 10:30 on school nights. Seriously?

What the hell did I do wrong? I had no idea about the auction...I thought that 6 months was in July, and I didn't even think it was going to go through...........

I need out. But I can't...I've been trying to plan time with Kasey to go swim at White Water, and the one time I really need someone to talk to...she ditches me. Doesn't even let me know. Thanks. Bitch.

Peyton's taking forever to respond, and if it's cuase he is playing Call of Duty, my dad can take my freaking texting away. If I am that hard of a person to just talk to when I am upset and need someone to talk to, please, by all means, don't talk to me period.

If running away was an option, I just might take it. But I won't leave my mom, brother or horses behind.

Christy, go burn in hell. Its all your fault. I used to think maaaybe, just mayybe you had sense for doing this, but never mind. I don't give a damn about you. Say I am a slut, I don't care. Just because I can hold down a relationship for over a year, and not sleep with every guy in my 6A highschool like your daughter, doesn't give you a damn right to EVER open your mouth about me.


1 comment:

  1. It is June 4th. Are you doing any better?

    I once walked in your shoes and understand. I'm now independent and 55 which is a good thing.
    I love my dog, my mules, and my wonderful husband.
