Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Want me to draw your horse??

I have lost my contact three times this month! In the same eye!! Twice at my best friends, and once today at school. My vision is so poor that it makes me exhausted just trying to see. I fell asleep in my english class, but its all good. They just read out of the book, which I am almost finished with and they are not even half way done with. It was a very nice nap:) I dropped my butter on the ground at lunch because my depth perception was all wacky, and my face was like 3 inches from the computer screen at votech. But I made some really awesome pictures on photoshop when I was bored!! I've started up doodling again, and I'm currently making a picture for the owners of Dusty's sire. I'll attach that picture along with another doodle or two. If you want, I can draw a picture of your horse for you:) Just no backgrounds...thats one thing I can't do!!! For ya'll its free.... :) Of course the photos came in with a weird order and refuse to move...grrr..
The first picture is of Dusty's dad, Sandunit Two Peppy.

 This is a doodle I did when I used to want to make a horsey comic book...this was the sexy stallion who was sweet but also had a dark side LOL!!!!

 This is a bay reiner..duh.
  AHHHH!! DUSTY!!! Lol he looks DEAD!

This is an edited pic..the 1973-1991 were the best Suburbans..EVER.

This was my t-shirt design for the OkFQHR..they wound up never getting the design...I'm blaming that on my friend for not turning it in! LOL!

This picture of Rebel needs no words...
So yea.. Hopefully one of these days, I will become a good artist and I might get paid for what I love to do. I've been told I'm really good, but then when I see others artwork its like wow...I should just put up my pencil and give it a rest...but who knows.
If you would like for me to do a picture of your horse, please comment with a link to the picture you'd like me to use:) Sometimes I get a little creative, so don't always expect your horse to be in the same pose:P


  1. WOW! those are great, i'll definitely get you to draw my horse if you want but i'll have to put a pic up first so i'll comment when I get one :)

  2. You have quite a bit of talent! Make sure you use it and have fun with it!

  3. me too! my horse is named lady i will put up a pic if ya want!
